Recursive Systems SL.

Put "the rythm" in the language

The ABC Challenge

"Welcome to the literacy portal"


Put the donkey in front of the cart... beginning with the sounds of the language.

The Symphony of language.

Our Methodology

Pedagogical Base

  • We recognize the difficulty experienced in learning a second language and offer a unique perspective to reduce this difficulty.
  • Our model mimics the way each person acquired their mother tongue.
  • This model can be expressed in the following steps;
    • Acquisition of "Source Code", which leads to the ability to interpret sound.
    • Association of sounds with objects, people, actions and concepts.
    • Vocalization and perfection of pronunciation.
    • Is supported through reading, writing and improving fluency through literacy.
  • Our method is designed to facilitate the acquisition of the "Source Code", which allows the student to understand and express themselves better while increasing literacy and confidence.
  • The "Source Code" in English consists of the 26 letters of the alphabet that make 44 sounds.
  • The cumulative possibility of combinations of these sounds to form syllables provides us with an infinite resource as expresses by Alexander Von Humbolt: “A language is an infinite resource derived from finite means”.
  • Our program uses a "Mental Mapping" system that allows vocabulary construction with little effort.
  • Our system is designed to create intuitive recognition that leads to automatic understanding.

How the app works.

"ABC Challenge" is a spelling game that allows students to listen to words and learn their meaning within a sentence. To help the student, the phrases are supported with images and the translations are provided in the students' native language. A variety of accents are used throughout the game and students should achieve the highest score possible before moving to the next module. The program is an educational game that addresses the perennial problem of language learning effectiveness, that is, investment in time and cost related to tangible results. The goal of the program is to allow students of all types and levels to expand and consolidate their ability to use the English language more confidently. Based on gamification, the program is specifically designed to complement current language learning methods, allowing the student to understand more clearly, leading to a more sustained learning curve. Its purpose is to help the student in their language acquisition, providing a fun and educational way to learn.


How to access.

Start playing and learning today!!!
Register on the platform, choose a demo and give it a try.
No cost or commitment.

Let’s play!


The Company
Recursive Systems

Our Purpose

Empower people to take advantage of their innate neuro-linguistic capacities, by helping them in their language learning, increasing efficiency, optimizing time invested, reducing cost and guaranteeing demonstrable results.

We focus on the person by stimulating those natural innate abilities common to all which enabled the acquisition of the mother tongue.


We focus on the person by stimulating those natural innate abilities common to all which enabled the acquisition of the mother tongue.

We provide a benefit to all the stakeholders involved. We apply a "win-win" philosophy in all our transactions and agreements. We take care of the "ecosystem" in which we participate, contributing to its balance, improvement and sustainability. We seek cooperation and offer our help to those who need it to strengthen the whole.

Evaluating, reviewing and improving continuously. We innovate and seek optimum agreements in all our commercial and business processes and relationships.


Be recognized as world leaders in neuro-linguistic stimulation techniques through the development and dissemination of language learning techniques.

Evaluating, reviewing and improving continuously. We innovate and seek optimum agreements in all our commercial and business processes and relationships.

The Proyect
ABC Challenge

Fluency through literacy

What is Fluency?

Fluency can be defined as the ability to understand (spoken and written language) and express oneself correctly and accurately in that language.

What is Literacy?

Literacy, as understood in the English language, is simply measured by the number of known and recognized words and the ability to apply this vocabulary in specific, general and abstract contexts.

So the question here is:

What do we know when we know a word in English?

  • Sound and pronunciation
  • Orthography
  • Meaning (various)
  • Application (various)

The Team
Founders of the Company

David Ashe

Self employed y Entrepreneur. English teacher in Spain (14 years). Expert in linguistics and language learning, designing programs and courses, and their implementation. Searcher of methodologies with a greater level of efficacy i.e. time invested by cost and results achieved. Developer of the method “The ABC Challenge/El desafioabc”. Base of the Fluency through Literacy project. Experience in management and marketing. Degree in Common Law, LLB. Mediation Institution of Ireland; Certificates in Mediation and Negotiation Peace and Reconciliation Group in Northern Ireland and Certificate in Conflict Resolution TEFL; Trinity Certificate. Interesado en el desarrollo humano a través de la mejora de la comunicación y el desarrollo del conocimiento.

Rafael González

More than 30 years of experience in senior management. Expert in business management and national and international projects. Professional Project Manager (PMP). Phd in Civil Engineering. Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa and Master in Digital Business Management from LaSalle-LidLearning. Lecturer at the Business School (EAE Business School) and various forums on project management, risk management, business strategies, cost management, excellence and business transformation, among others. Speaker in various forums related to Transport activity Member of the SUMLab Research Group of the University of Cantabria. Counselor of the Institute of European Excellence. Member of the Advisory Council of the Emmanuel Casbarri School of Leaders. Patron of the Independent Foundation. Concern for technological entrepreneurship based on the development of human capacities and Knowledge.


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